La Bottega dei Sani - alimenti senza glutine

Via Cesare Battisti, 23/M
Tel. +39 030 9133646
On sale: gluten-free foods
Monday: 15.00 - 19.30 
From Tuesday to Saturday: 8.00 - 19.30
Sunday: 9.00 - 12.30
The ASL gluten-free shop, starts from the desire to give the possibility to those with celiac disease or simply intolerance called "Gluten Sensibility" and other intolerances or allergies such as milk, eggs, etc., to have a vastness of articles to be able to choose what is best for you, from dry to frozen products to fresh ones, without forgetting that a "Gluten Free pastry bar" has also been included to give you the opportunity to sit comfortably and with tranquility to taste all the delicacies offered without even the risk of contamination.