Caseificio Sociale Valsabbino  

Via De Gasperi, 12
Tel. +39 349 412 1556
On sale: typical cheese
From Tuesday to Saturday: 9 am -12.30 pm , 3.30 pm -7 pm
The cooperative "Caseificio Sociale Valsabbino" was born, thanks to the will of a group of breeders, in October 1982 as a natural evolution of a reality that had already been operating in the area for several years, and with the express purpose of keeping alive the dairy tradition of Valsabbina , becoming in a few years a fundamental reference point for all the productive realities of the territory, also and above all for all those farmers who wanted to continue to produce in the mountains.
The members who give the milk to the cheese factory are exclusively located in the Valle Sabbia area; it is from these farms that the milk for the production of dairy products typical of our valley arrives.