LONATO IN FESTIVAL. Nuova Barberia Carloni
16/7/2021 - 17/7/2021 9 pm
Lonato Castle
Lonato Castle
4 shows of great contemporary circus en plein air
in the evocative scenery of the Castle
Magic, acrobatics, fun for adults and children: Lonato in FESTIVAL, in its ninth edition, the second of the Covid era, offers a program of quality contemporary circus shows from 16th July to 7th August to keep the spirit of the festival alive and to do not miss the appointment with the public, for too long an orphan of shows, entertainment and conviviality. The Festival therefore returns, in a necessarily reduced form.
The program
The protagonists of Lonato in FESTIVAL are three contemporary circus companies among the most prestigious of the Italian contemporary scene and a Cuban company.
On 16 and 17 July the Teatro Necessario company presents Nuova Barberia Carloni.
On 23 and 24 July the Rasoterra company presents a preview of BOA, a show of acrobatic porté and acrobatic bicycle.
On 30 and 31 July Alessandro Maida of MagdaClan Circo is staged, presenting the show Sic Transit - A sacred ceremony of a profane circus.
On 6 and 7 August the Cuban company Havana Acrobatic Ensemble presents Amor, a show that is based on the mixture of suggestions.
Reservation required.
Fondazione Ugo Da Como
Via Rocca, 2 - Lonato del Garda (Brescia)
Tel. 0039 0309130060 - www.lonatoinfestival.it - info@lonatoinfestival.it
Facebook e Instagram: Lonato in Festival
Fondazione Ugo Da Como
Via Rocca, 2 - Lonato del Garda (Brescia)
Tel. 0039 0309130060 - www.lonatoinfestival.it - info@lonatoinfestival.it
Facebook e Instagram: Lonato in Festival
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