Fiori nella Rocca

11/4/2025 - 13/4/2025 10 am
In the evocative setting of the Rocca Visconteo Veneta in Lonato del Garda (Brescia) the 17th edition of FIORI nella ROCCA, a refined market exhibition of rare plants and flowers

A large and carefully selected number of nurserymen, craftsmen and garden object specialists will be the protagonists of Fiori nella Rocca, the refined spring gardening exhibition hosted from 11 to 13 April in the historic setting of the 15th-century Rocca di Lonato del Garda (Brescia). Now in its 17th edition, the exhibition welcomes spring and has by now become one of the most eagerly awaited national appointments not only for sector enthusiasts, but also for those who want to spend a pleasant day in the open air, amidst the colours and scents of plants and flowers.

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