
The Festival area "Suoni e Sapori del Garda" is an event created by the dear departed master Giovanna Sorbi, supported in partnership with the municipality of Gardon Riviera and coordinanted by Comunità del Garda; from here the rooting of the initiative on the shores of the lake with the engagement of the participant municipalities.
Since 2018 the art direction is entrusted to master Serafino Tedesi, assisted by his cultural association Infonote, aimed to involve more municipalities, also of nearby provinces.
The Festival proposes a circuit of performances with free entrance included on one playbill, with the direct involvement of the regulate municipalities to the entire lake basin and the immediate hinterland.
The aim is to contribute to the artistic value appreciation of the places which will host the concerts, a kind of ideal itinerary around the lake. A music, culture and art itinerary which is articulated through a charming tourist scenarios, offeringthis opportunity with a free entrance to go on a relationship with the aficionados of our festivals.
Sunday 24th November at 5.00 pm the Festival is in Lonato del Garda: from Händel to Piazzolla, passing through Mozart and the female universe to which they gave voice: 
  • Silvia Sesenna | keyboard
  • Paola Quagliata | voice
  • Ilaria Italia | voice
Attached the flyer with all the appointments of the festival

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