Alle origini del"Bel Paese". Italy in the 19th Century in the Photographs of the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection

27/9/2024 - 6/1/2025 10:00 a.m.
Lonato Castle
The Fondazione Ugo Da Como confirms its attention to photography and after the exhibition of the Mario Giacomelli Photographic Collection, owned by the Municipality of Lonato, the Piranesi/Basilico exhibition and the occasions of collaboration with the Photographic Archive of the Negri Foundation of Brescia, it now proposes, in collaboration with the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo of Turin, the exhibition Alle origini del Bel Paese. Nineteenth-Century Italy in the Photographs of the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection, which will be held in the Sala del Capitano of the Rocca di Lonato del Garda from 27 September 2024 to 6 January 2025.
The photography collection of Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo
Launched in 1992 with acquisitions of contemporary artists, the photography collection of Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, by the direct will of its President Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, in the years immediately following, wanted to turn to the past, with the aim of constructing a historical and scientific itinerary on the development of the language of photography in our country.
Conceived as a classic voyage en Italie to which men of letters, artists, intellectuals and nobles from central and northern Europe used to devote themselves around the middle of the 19th century, the collection now includes thousands of photographic works documenting the beauty of Italy, the customs and traditions of the time, from north to south: a journey that touches on all the main cities of the peninsula, stretching from the Alps to Sicily, from where some travellers continued by ship to Greece and sometimes Egypt.
The Simplon Pass, the Brenner Pass and Nice were the main gateways to the sunny climate that attracted foreigners, hungry for beauty and history. Cities of art and archaeological sites were the primary destinations of the so-called Grand Tour and were the object of photographers who, from the early 1840s, gradually replaced engravers in the production of images that travellers collected in souvenir albums of their journeys. Thus several photographic studios flourished in Turin as well as in Milan, Verona, Venice, Bologna, Florence, Siena, Rome, even Naples and Sicily. Some photographers even managed to open studios with branches in several locations.
Seventy photographs evoking travellers' fascination with Italian beauty
Entitled To the Origins of the Bel Paese. Italy in the Nineteenth Century in the Photographs of the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection, the selection of photographs that will be on public display from 27 September 2024 to 6 January 2025 in the Sala del Capitano of the Rocca di Lonato, inside the monumental complex of the Fondazione Ugo Da Como, is curated by Filippo Maggia. On display are many examples of the most famous photographers of the time: Charles Marville in Turin; Adolphe Godard and Celestino Degoix in Genoa; Hippolyte Deroche, Francesco Heiland and Luigi Sacchi in Milan; Moritz Lotze in Verona; Fortunato Antonio Perini, Domenico Bresolin, Carlo Naya, Carlo Ponti in Venice; Leopoldo Alinari and Alphonse Bernoud in Florence; Robert Macpherson, Giacomo Caneva, Gioacchino Altobelli in Rome; Giorgio Sommer, Robert Rive, Giuseppe Incorpora active between Naples and Sicily and many others.
Among the works on display is one of the rare existing examples of the album ‘Turin Ancien et Moderne’ from 1867, with large-format photographs by Henri Le Lieure.
In all, seventy photographs (calotypes, salted paper, albumins) that represent not only an indispensable documentation of Risorgimento Italy, but also evoke in their immediacy - despite the necessary long shooting times of the cameras of the time - how pure and intact to the eyes of travellers from beyond the Alps the Italian land of archaic and inestimable beauty, both scenic and architectural, appeared then.

Opening Hours
Monday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (last admission 5 p.m.)
Cost of the entrance ticket to the Castle
- free for residents in the municipality of Lonato del Garda
- 5 euro for the exhibition only and the free visit of the Rocca
- 10 euros to visit the entire monumental complex of the Ugo Da Como Foundation (Rocca and Ugo Da Como House Museum)

For information and bookings
Tel. 0309130060

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